求书<Understanding Patterns of Project Behavior>
全名:Adrenaline Junkies and Template Zombies: Understanding Patterns of Project Behavior
The book identifies 86 patterns that characterize project and team behavior. All of the patterns don't apply to your project, but some surely will. Some of the patterns are constructive – they help you get meaningful work done. And other are destructive – they get in your way. Like many of the patterns that control our behavior as individuals, project behavior patterns are often invisible. They are the unwritten rules that govern us. We don't think about them, but we don't think to violate them either 可以说是peopleware的后续 亚马逊介绍:http://www.amazon.com/Adrenaline-Junkies-Template-Zombies-Understanding/dp/0932633676/theatlanticsyste 主页介绍http://systemsguild.com/GuildSite/Books/ajtz.html |